New Marketing Effort Sprouts Serious Mushroom Growth

Mushrooms have always had a popular following, as they can be used in so many dishes and come in a number of varieties. With new marketing efforts in place, mushroom popularity has grown even more, and mushroom farmers are loving it!

Mushrooms Ronna

Kennett Square vendor Phillips Mushroom Farms sees this growth and has, in fact, doubled its mushroom production. White mushrooms are extremely popular items, but so are other varieties as well. In order to keep up with the increasing demand, Phillips Mushroom Farms is boosting their supply so that individuals can have these delicious items on their table every night, if they like.

Read more about mushroom demand in this recent article from Vista.Today, then start exploring new mushroom recipes and enjoying this ingredient not just for its nutritional qualities but for its great taste too!

Photo credits: Ronna Dewey